Thursday 22 November 2012

Second Page Layout

This is the layout of my second page of the newspaper. Inside you will usually find the continuation of the main headline from the front and a couple of smaller stories that will be told in full. If the main headline didn’t include an image on the first page, it is usually because it is a major piece of news that doesn’t require one. It will most likely be on the inside page. Unlike national newspapers, there may be a strip on the page that gives information for locals to get in contact with news and stories. Because local papers operate on a much smaller scale they are able to do this.

The name I have decided on for my newspaper is ‘The Lakes Gazette’. I obviously had to include the name of the area so the audience knows where the paper is focused. I made a list of other names that I considered to use:

·         The Cumbria Messenger

·         The Lakes Daily

·         The Lakes Tribune

·         The Furness Gazette

·         The Lakes Chronicle

·         The Cumbria Prophet

After asking more people, the feedback seemed most positive for “The Lakes Gazette” rather than the others, and I personally liked it the most, so this is the name I have decided to use.

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