Sunday 3 March 2013

Adverts & Tabs

For the features on my front page, I created two tabs to place underneath the masthead to inform the reader of what would be inside the paper.
Because my paper has been based around a Christmas theme, I created a tab referring to a Christmas-ssy activity inside. The image of the Christmas boxes was taken by me, and I used Photoshop to edit out the background and keep the boxes themselves.


I found creating these tabs probably the most difficult task concerning the front page because I needed to make them fit with the scheme and be aesthetically pleasing at the same time.
The second tab isn’t Christmas related, but is more aimed at showing the audience that there is more than just news based on current affairs, etc. The picture I took was of my other classmates who are also creating their media project. I thought it would create an interesting link between our work and also how different outlets can work in conjunction with each other (in this case TV and Newspaper).

The first stage in creating the tab

The feature that I placed at the bottom of the page was again Christmas related, but this time it was an advert for a local establishment. These are an important factor of local papers as it brings money to the paper as they are paid of advertising space and it brings income to the establishment.

The images used on the ad were taken again by me and edited in Photoshop to remove the background. The only minor alteration I made outside of this was the image of the bells, which was originally red, but it was too much on an already red template.